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Motivation when Studying

  • Students fail when they are not motivated

    • When they don’t see the meaning in their work1
    • When they can’t connect it to their goals2
    • When they lack [[Autonomy in Work|freedom]]
  • Motivation comes best from enjoying your work

    • Turn the writing everything and thinking about process in to a hobby
      • The book says artists and scientists are essentially information hobbyists.
      • Think Rivers Cuomo


  1. Balduf, Megan. “Underachievement Among College Students.” Journal of Advanced Academics 20, no. 2 (February 2009): 274–94.

  2. Glynn, Shawn M., Gita Taasoobshirazi, and Peggy Brickman. “Science Motivation Questionnaire: Construct Validation with Nonscience Majors.” Journal of Research in Science Teaching 46, no. 2 (February 2009): 127–46.