- A submodality1 is a distinction in how we re-experience a past event.
- Example: Remembering a visual event in black and white vs. color2
- The submodalities we have a firm grasp on dramatically influence our emotions and experiences
- Everyone has their own developed submodalities and they control our emotions.
- A lack of submodalities means submodalities are not developed
- Overdeveloped means past events are re-experienced clearly
- Controlling emotions mean recontextualizing submodalities. Ask questions with a gentle curiousity.
!!! warning “On NLP” Note that this comes from NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming not Natural Language Processing), which, as wikipedia3 and others4 point out, is considered Pseudoscience.
Derek Banas. Control Your Emotions. 2010. YouTube, ↩
“Submodality (NLP).” Psychology Wiki, Accessed 25 June 2024. ↩
“Neuro-Linguistic Programming.” Wikipedia, 24 June 2024. Wikipedia, ↩
Lilienfeld, Scott O., et al. “The Teaching of Courses in the Science and Pseudoscience of Psychology: Useful Resources.” Teaching of Psychology, vol. 28, no. 3, July 2001, pp. 182–91. (Crossref), ↩