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“All roads lead to trees.” Examples: DOM, Filesystem (hard drive)


  • root: topmost parent node
  • height: longest path from root the youngest (bottommost) child node
  • binary tree: a tree with at most 2 children
  • general tree: a tree with more than 0 children
  • balanced tree: a tree is perfectly balanced when any node’s left and right children have the same height
  • branching factor: amount of children a tree has


  • Review recursion!
  • Visit a node and then recurse is pre-order traversal.
  • In languages where you have to clean up memory, you do a post-order traversal.
  • preorder root’s at beginning, in order root’s at the middle, post-order root’s at the end.
  • All traversals are O(n) because for all traversals you visit every node.
  • We’re implicitly using a stack when we do depth first search. Makes sense because we’re leveraging the call stack.
