More on Stacks
What is a stack?
- A one-ended linear data structure that models a real stack.1
- Two operations, push (to top), pop (off the top)
- We can only act on top of the stack
- Last In, First Out (LIFO)
Example Problems
- Brackets (validate that brackets are closed).
- ex.
- Steps:
- Push
- Push
- Push
- Pop
(we hit}
- Pop
- Push
- Pop
- Pop
- Since the stack is now empty, the bracket sequence is valid
- Push
- Steps:
- ex.
- Tower of Hanoi Game
- Three pegs are stacks.
- No disk can be placed on smaller disk
- Move disks from one end to the other
Stack Implementation
- Usually implemented with linked lists or arrays.
Singly Linked List
- Start with null node.
- Create new heads with pointer to newest node (push)
- Move head pointer to next node, and dereference old head (pop)
Source Code
has a LinkedList- implements the iterable interface (has a generic)
- What is a concurrent modification error?
WilliamFiset. Queue Implementation. 2017. YouTube, ↩