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Arrays & Data Structure Basics


  • Interface (API, or Abstract Data Type) tells you what you want to do (specification)
    • What operations do, are supported, and their meaning
  • In contrast a data structure tells you how (to store)
    • We’re given algorithms to tell us how to support those operations
  • In algorithms we care a lot about scalability for very large N.


  • Static sequence interface: number of items does not change (Build, Length, Get, Set, Iteration)


  • Memory Allocation Model - you can allocate an array of size N, in O(N) (it takes linear time)
  • The amount of space you use to allocate the array is the amount of time it took.
  • Access is constant time - we need to assume that W is at least log(N) to address all N items in my input.
  • W is the machine word size, which is 64 bits on most modern machines.
  • We want to be able to insert or delete from the middle of the sequence. i.e. Insert At or Delete At.
  • Inserting or Deleting at the beginning requires you to re-index everything

Linked Lists

  • We store our items in Nodes, in order
  • Each item has a Node, and a next field (pointer)
  • We need to track the Head Node

Dynamic Arrays

  • aka Python’s lists
  • Relax the constraint that the size of the array we use equals N
  • “Roughly” means throw away constant factors when making approximations
  • Add to end unless length equals size, we’re out of space.
  • In a static array, we have to allocate a new array of size N + 1 when adding one element.
  • In contrast, a dynamic array we allocate a new array of the original size plus some constant. It’s approximately the same as a static array because we don’t use constants in approximations.
  • Constant amoritization analysis averages the running times of operations in a sequence over that sequence


  • What’s an interface? How does a data structure relate?
  • What is the interface for a static sequence?
  • What is the Memory Allocation Model?
  • Dynamic v. Static array allocation
  • What is amoritization?