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Aristotle's Problem Domain

Aristotle’s problem domain was trying to define1 what makes a person good:

  1. What qualities they ought to have?
  2. How much should they have?
  3. Is everyone capable of having them?
  4. How do we get them?
  5. What does having them look like?
  • The end goal is happiness (eudaimonia/flourishing)
    • To do so we need virtues (things that make us good at being human)
  • We’re born with potential to get virtues
    • And a natural aptitude towards some
    • We become virtuous by doing virtuous things (habitual)


  1. Schur, Michael. How to Be Perfect: A Foolproof Guide to Making the Correct Moral Decision in Every Situation You Ever Encounter Anywhere on Earth, Forever. First Simon&Schuster hardcover edition, Simon & Schuster, 2022.