Aristotle's Problem Domain
Aristotle’s problem domain was trying to define1 what makes a person good:
- What qualities they ought to have?
- How much should they have?
- Is everyone capable of having them?
- How do we get them?
- What does having them look like?
- The end goal is happiness (eudaimonia/flourishing)
- To do so we need virtues (things that make us good at being human)
- We’re born with potential to get virtues
- And a natural aptitude towards some
- We become virtuous by doing virtuous things (habitual)
Schur, Michael. How to Be Perfect: A Foolproof Guide to Making the Correct Moral Decision in Every Situation You Ever Encounter Anywhere on Earth, Forever. First Simon&Schuster hardcover edition, Simon & Schuster, 2022. ↩