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Architecture Decision Records


  • An Architecture Decision Record (abbr. ADR) is any document that captures decisions and context of how an architecture decision was made and its resulting context.
    • In modern codebases, tests and readable code can replace documentation.4
  • Large documents are not read often and smaller, atomic writing is easiest for consumption.
  • In any system, we want to avoid blind acceptance and reversal
  • Significant decisions are those that "affect the structure, non-functional characteristics, dependencies, interfaces, or construction techniques."1


  • Onboarding can include an understanding of the why behind a decision
    • Handover can be smooth
  • Since stakeholders can read and digest these, you can have multi-discipline best practice alignment2
  • Keep why and how out of the original maintainer's brain

When to Write

  • Backfilling decisions
  • Large change proposals (these can be rejected too!)
  • Small/lightweight changes too



  • Describe forces at play.
  • Political, social, project specific


  • Resulting context (positive, negative, and neutral)
  • i.e. Why or why not a decision was made5
  • Larger ADRs provide context for smaller, subsequent ADRs


  • Lightweight markup language
  • Less than 2 pages
  • Use a sequential naming scheme.
  • Don't use these to replace good commit messages.3


Used by RedHat.3

RedHat ADR Template
  1. Number/Date: A unique increasing number and date that usually follows the ADR-nnnn pattern to help sort them from old to new
  2. Title: Indicates the content
  3. Context (Why): Describes the current situation and why you made this decision or thought it necessary—some variations explicitly break out an "alternatives covered" section to ensure all considerations get recorded
  4. Decision (What/How): Describes the what and how of the feature
  5. Status: Describes the status; note that ADRs can be superseded later by newer ADRs
  6. Consequences: Describes the effect of the decision, listing positive and negative aspects

Further Reading

  1. Nygard, Michael. “Documenting Architecture Decisions.” Cognitect.Com, 15 Nov. 2011,

  2. Engineering, Spotify. “When Should I Write an Architecture Decision Record.” Spotify Engineering, 14 Apr. 2020,

  3. hrupp. Why You Should Be Using Architecture Decision Records to Document Your Project. 16 Dec. 2021,

  4. “Lightweight Architecture Decision Records | Technology Radar.” Thoughtworks, Accessed 31 May 2024. 

  5. ckittel. Architecture Decision Record - Microsoft Azure Well-Architected Framework. 14 Nov. 2023,