Desert Garden
Hi! My name is Owais and this is my digital garden. It’s a collection of notes I’ve taken on topics that interest me. This includes a lot of engineering and programming notes that I’ve taken throughout my career and while working on personal projects. My hope is that someone learns something new or finds some wisdom that resonates with them.
Digital gardens have been fascinating for me for a long time. I miss the days of stumbling upon information on an odd personal site on the internet and want to be a part of bringing that back. I’ve tried keeping gardens in various iterations with tools like notion and even google drive, but nothing has been quite as consistent as a combination of some plaintext editor (VSCode & now Neovim) or “Knowledge IDE” like Obsidian.
Top of the list is definitely the Blue Book. After starting a new python project and activating my virtual environment, I pretty much always install mkdocs with the material theme. That site, while also having some fantastic information, reminded me that I can just use mkdocs.
Also, take a look at my notes on cultivating a garden.